4 Branding Questions we ask every client!

Are you wondering what branding questions we will ask you during your design consultation with us? All our branding packages include a design consultation because we pride ourselves in designing authentic brands that perfectly represent our clients’ businesses. It’s great to be prepared before we begin the branding process so read on for all the information you need!

What is the secret to building a solid brand identity? We believe it is designing the brand so it represents your businesses mission statement, goals, dreams and unique ideas in a way that captures your target audience.  A good designer will gather lots of information when crafting your brand identity. When done correctly and authentically, branding is powerful! Our goal is for your brand to invite your audience into your story.

As graphic designers we know that first impressions are very important. Your target audience will make instant decisions when they view your branding such as whether they trust you, your service or product. Your answers to our branding questions assist us in designing a brand that communicates the right message to your target audience.

Let’s get into those all-important branding questions, shall we?

What are your brand values and mission?

What is so special about your business? Let’s get to the essence, the big picture; the reason you do what you do.

Are you are reading this and scratching your head? Go and set aside some time to work out what your brand values and mission is! Your ‘why’ is the most important information you can give us before we start designing your brand identity – it underpins everything! We need to know the purpose behind the branding. What is it that we need to communicate with your target audience through the branding?

I invite you to take your time to reflect on who you are as a business; not just what you do but also what you stand for. Brand values are increasing in importance when it comes to consumer decision making. Here are some awesome tools to help you knuckle down on what your brand values and mission are!

What is your unique selling point?

What can you offer that your competitors can't?

Its unlikely you are the only business selling a particular product or providing a specific service. Your unique selling point is that special thing that will set you apart from your competitors.

Your branding is what is going to communicate your point of difference with your target audience. So, what is that unique thing about your business? Are you the cheapest? Maybe you are the most qualified in your field! Do you specialize in something particular?

Check out this article for more information about developing your unique selling point! 

Who is your target audience?

We design your branding with your ideal customer in mind. How can reel them in and get them invested in your brand?

Your target audience is about more than demographics. Consider literally everything about them! What are their buying habits, what are their values, attitudes, and goals that your business can help them to achieve.

Some graphic designers will even make up profiles for your imaginary customers to help them picture the audience they are designing for. This can be helpful for you too as you make decisions around the marketing of your business. For example, if you are marketing to younger people from the Gen Z generation, you may choose to utilise platforms such as TikTok whereas if you were marketing to an older generation, you may find they are still hanging out on Facebook!


How do you want your brand perceived?

We now know what your business is setting out to do; what makes you unique and who you are selling to. Now we need to know how you want to be perceived!

Let’s determine what your target audience value from a brand. Are they looking for cost savings or the highest quality? Do your target audience value things like sustainability? Is it important to them to see a diverse range of people represented when they check you out on Instagram? It’s a good idea to take a deep dive into this question and consider it closely. Giving your designer plenty of information will help them create a brand that is unstoppable when it comes to marketing your business to the right people and in the right way!

These 4 branding questions are key to assisting us in getting to know your unique business and how we can design a brand that reflects who you are. We will ask these and many more during our comprehensive design consultation.

Any designer will tell you, the more detail we have to work with the better chances your brand will appeal to your target audience and represent your unique business DNA.

Get in touch with us at Mauka Creative today!  


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