Social media marketing NZ - A handy guide for kiwi business owners!

Are you looking for a guide on social media marketing for your NZ business? Welcome to our comprehensive guide on social media marketing NZ for small businesses in Aotearoa! Social media can be your secret weapon! With the right approach, it can bring in consistent leads and customers for you. That's why we've put together this handy guide packed full of helpful tips, and clever tricks to help you succeed in social media marketing NZ.

# 1. Define Your Target Audience for Social media marketing NZ

It's time to get to know your target market! This is important, after all its pretty hard to sell to someone when we have no idea what they want! Set aside some time to do some research on your target audience. Ask yourself these questions about your audience;

  • How old are the people I am marketing my business to?

  • What is my audience interested in?

  • Where do my audience hang out on social media? What are their habits on social media?

Knowing your audience on this level will be invaluable to your social media marketing NZ strategy.

Once you know who you are targeting begin following your ideal crowd on social media. by engaging with the content of your audience and building a relationship with them. Participating in online communities, and paying attention to feedback on your own posts.

# 2. Choose the Right Platforms for Social media marketing NZ

Kiwis really love their social media! Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are really popular social media platforms in our country! But you do not need to be marketing across all of the social media platforms, you don't have time for that! So, where is your audience hanging out? Let's figure out which platforms they're most active on and concentrate our efforts there!

Here's a few things to consider before choosing which platforms to focus on;

  • Did you know that Facebook remains the most used social media platform in New Zealand? With 3.3 million active users, Facebook is most certainly not dead in NZ. It's a great platform to consider if your target audience is a little older as the majority of users are over.

  • Instagram is where young adults hang out, particularly those aged 18 to 34. The audience also extends to teenagers, and recently, even older individuals have started to embrace it as well. It's a great platform if your target audience has a wide age range.

  • LinkedIn is where you will find all the professionals! LinkedIn is pretty popular with Kiwis, there are 1.6 million of us using it! If you're a B2B company or aiming to connect with professionals in specific fields. It's an excellent resource to explore especially for freelancers looking for opportunities with a more professional crowd!

  • TikTok is your platform if your target audience includes Gen Z and younger Millennials. TikTok is growing up so fast! There are already an estimated 1.2 million kiwi's using the platform. So, its definitely, a good time to get on board!

# 3. Develop a Content Strategy for Social media Marketing NZ

Ok, this tip is really important to remember - Consistency is key in social media marketing! The best way to keep on track with this is by creating a content calendar. It will help you keep organised with your content so you know when and what you are posting. Keeping organised and consistent is key to a successful social media marketing NZ strategy.

My best tips for helping you level up your social media game:

  • Consistency, consistency and even more consistency! Pick a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it. This way, your followers know when to expect new content from you.

  • Use a consistent tone and voice in your posts to help build your brand's identity.

  • Keep an eye on engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly. Which of your posts are the popular kids on the grid? Which ones are hogging all the likes, comments, and shares? Ask yourself why those posts are popular then try to make more content along the same lines.

Content strategy on to computer screens

# 4. Engage with Your Audience: Social media marketing NZ

One of the best ways to build a quality audience is to respond to them! If your audience takes the time to write to you in a comment or a message, please make the effort to reply! Even a short reply communicates to your followers that they are valued in your space. Remember, it's not just about responding to comments and messages - you can also take the first step by engaging with your followers! Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start conversations: Post thought-provoking questions or share interesting news articles related to your industry to encourage your followers to engage with you.

  • Share user-generated content: Show your appreciation for your followers by reposting their content and giving them a shoutout. This is one of the ways influencers build communities around their brand. Its a really effective marketing strategy!

  • Monitor hashtags: Keep an eye on hashtags related to your brand or industry and become an active contributor. This means liking and commenting on content similar to your own. Engaging with other creators will help you reach a wider audience!

  • Hashtag tools are so handy! Some of my favourite ones are Hashtagify, RiteTag, and Tagboard.

  • Keep your ears open. There are some social media listening tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Brandwatch, Mention, or Awario, that give you valuable insights into what your audience wants and needs. This can help you create content that keeps them engaged with your brand.

Woman Holding a Can in Front of a Smartphone

# 5. Leverage User-Generated Content: Social media marketing NZ

Once you have a connected audience it opens the doors for leveraging user-generated content. But what the heck is UGC I hear you ask? Basically, the idea is to encourage your audience to create and share content about your brand. This could be photos or videos of them using your products or visiting your store. UGC is gold when it comes to marketing strategy. It has the potential to get your followers engaging with your content - the algorithm loves this. But there are two really valuable things UGC can give you; credibility and a sense of community around your brand. An active community can be an unstoppable force in marketing success.

So how do I get my audience on board with UGC?

  1. Make it easy: Create a hashtag or a specific way for users to tag their posts related to your brand. This will help you find and track UGC easily.

  2. Offer incentives: Consider offering rewards or discounts to users who share UGC. This will motivate them to create content and engage with your brand.

  3. Engage with UGC: When users share UGC, make sure to acknowledge and engage with them. This will make your followers feel like they are part of a community and encourage more users to share their experiences with your brand.

  4. Showcase UGC: Share UGC on your website and social media channels. This will not only showcase your community, but also enhance your brand's credibility.

Remember, an active community can be a game changer in marketing success. So, get creative and start encouraging your audience to share their experiences with your brand!

TikTok app on smartphone screen

# 6. Use Paid Advertising for Social media marketing NZ

Social media advertising is a powerful force in the marketing world. It will help you connect with the right people and it is also pretty cost-efficient! A smart approach is to use targeted ads to reach your ideal audience, or even to drum up excitement for special offers and events.

So what do you need to know about paid advertising on socials?

  • Define your target audience: I know, I know, I've already said this, but I'll say it again! You really need to know who you are marketing to!

  • Hire a graphic designer: Social media is visual, it's a great idea to invest in eye-catching adverts that align with your brand. I can help you with this, wink wink!

  • Play around with it: Don't be afraid to experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and messaging. Test your ads to see what works best, and keep refining your campaigns based on your results.

  • Monitor your metrics: Keep an eye on your social media ad metrics, including clicks, impressions, and conversions. By analysing the information gathered you can improve your ROI (that's return on investment, in case you're wondering).

# 7. Measure and Adjust: Social media marketing NZ

It is really important to Keep a close eye on your social media metrics like engagement rate and reach. This will help you plan your content and advertising so that you can keep your target audience hooked.

  1. Identify the metrics relevant to your goals: Engagement rate, reach, impressions, clicks, conversions, and follower growth are some of the most commonly tracked metrics. Determine which metrics align with your goals and focus on those.

  2. Use analytics tools: Most social media platforms provide analytics tools that allow you to track your metrics. I also recommend checking out some third-party tools like Hootsuite to see how you are performing on your socials.

  3. Set benchmarks: Set realistic benchmarks for your metrics based on your past performance and industry standards. This will help you keep track of your progress and see where there is room for improvement.

  4. Analyze your data: It's always a good idea to take a glimpse at your data every now and then. Its the best way to see what's working and what's not in your marketing strategy. Use this information to adjust your strategy and optimize your content and advertising efforts.

  5. Tracking your metrics is an ongoing task: It's a good idea to make it a habit to keep an eye on your metrics and tweak them as needed. This way you can make sure you're reaching the right people.

Laptop and sign reading 'you got this'

Incorporating the tips and tricks from our guide on social media marketing NZ can greatly benefit your small business.

By staying patient, consistent, and authentic in your approach, you can effectively connect with your target audience and establish a strong online presence. I encourage you to get creative and have fun with your social media content and enjoy the process.

If you're in need of a helping hand with your social media marketing in NZ, don't hesitate to get in touch. Mauka Creative is here to help you ace your social media marketing strategy, as well as assist you with any design needs.


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